Friends it happen many times that normally on our computer our google toolbar or mozilla remember the password for us.
It may happen that for a long time you use the remember password and so you may forget the password.
Now from the password field it is not possible to copy and paste as normal text.The browser will not allow you to copy.
In such situation you can login with the remember password but not get the original password.
I have got the solution for you.
The solution is the magic Window.
magin window is a award winning software which when put on the ****** feild of password shows the actual password.
hence the trick is simple just Drag the magic window on password textbox and you will be able to see the original password in text format.
This trick can really become a hacking trick.
It is possible that your friend may use your computer and login and the browser saves his password.
Now you can use the magic window to get his password and enjoy with his account.
Download Magic Window