Check Your Mobile Quality as per below
Type *#06# and press DIAL [green button]
After you enter the code you will see the IMEI code : 154526089564585 [sample number]
IF the Seventh & Eighth digit numbers are 02 or 20 that means it was assembled in Emirates, which is very Bad quality.
IF the Seventh & Eighth digit numbers are 08 or 80 that means it’s manufactured in Germany which is not bad
IF the Seventh & Eighth digit numbers are 01 or 10 that means it’s manufactured in Finland which is Good
IF the Seventh & Eighth digit numbers are 00 that means it wasmanufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality
…IF the Seventh & Eighth digit numbers are 13 that means it wasAssembly on Azerbaijan which is very Bad quality and very dangerous forhealth!!!